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Homepage Auto-Ethnography

Reflections of Self and Reality

Image courtesy of Allyson Nicholas

Gidget,  the Party Yorkie

       (Unity/Topic Sentence) Hello there! Yours truly, Gidget, the newest companion of the Nicholas Family, is present in the tribunal to introduce Trey Nicholas, a tenacious caretaker who is an altruistic and methodical member of the community. (Adequate Development/Body) Trey constantly reveals his caring and selfless manner when interacting with anyone on a daily basis, including yours truly. Many days and nights consist of the mother away at work, and the father cooped in his office, therefore leaving Trey alone at home with the little Gidget. As much as Trey’s college schedule is demanding, he would always express his altruism by devoting time feeding, grooming, or playing with Gidget whenever he earns a break. Gidget knows the altruistic Trey will even sacrifice work-time to make sure she is satisfied. The tenacious Trey has never given up on the stubborn behavior Gidget frequently emits as it is nearly impossible to be angered by the cute, little face Gidget has. Also, the tenacious Trey understands patience is an important trait in developing trust with the dog. The methodical Trey is never late on his mark when tending to Gidget. At this late point, Gidget is aware of Trey’s schedule, patiently waiting at his door when she knows his break is about to begin. (Coherence/Conclusion) After only three months of interacting, Gidget has come to terms with Trey’s altruistic, tenacious, and methodical approach in caring for his pet.


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Time Served in the National Honor Society

        (Continuity/Smooth Transition) Thank you, Gidget! I humbly appreciate your response. The altruistic, tenacious, and methodical characteristics I have developed over the years derive from my experience in my high school’s National Honor Society, or NHS. The NHS has taught me the four key pillars to guide a community: character, scholarship, leadership, and service. I had to adjust in putting others before me and to understand the importance of giving back to the community. Shamefully, I was initially selfish when entering this organization, solely desiring to have this experience listed in my college application, but with time, I matured and learned to appreciate giving back to the community. My revelation occurred during an elementary school science event where we, the NHS, brought our “museum on wheels” to the kids. As the event progressed, I did not expect to witness so many kids being enthralled by our presentations. Seeing their smile unlocked a piece of my heart to appreciate what I was doing for them. From that point on, I continued to drive myself to show others what I saw that day to progressively better our community—to be altruistic, tenacious, and methodical. As Derek Bok contends in his provocative essay, “Protecting Freedom of Expression at Harvard,” “[w]e are faced with a… desire to foster a community founded on mutual respect.” To show my devotion and respect for the community, I continued scheduling more and more communal events and grew comfortable with understanding how to be organized and methodical as a member, and eventually president, of the NHS. As Hermit Yoda states in The Empire Strikes Back,  “[d]o or do not. There is no try.” When performing my tasks, especially in the NHS, I always gave my all rather than trying. Trying immediately invites failure, but doing manipulates the situation where failure does not become an option. Upon completing ENG 2105, I hope to methodically and plausibly articulate my point of view regarding anything. I hope to eliminate all patterned errors brought from high school to college and become a competent writer by doing, not trying.

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"Do or do not. There is no try."


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