Did You Know?
In the early drafts of The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda was named Minch.
Mace Windu in the Star Wars prequel trilogy uniquely has a purple lightsaber because Samuel L. Jackson (actor of Mace Windu) playfully asked George Lucas (writer of the original and prequel trilogies) for a different color lightsaber.
A New Hope is the highest grossing Star Wars film generating $776 million in worldwide box office earnings—more than $3 billion in today's ticket prices.
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Hermit Yoda
Welcome, Rhetor Padawans
(Unity/Topic Sentence) Hello there, rhetor younglings. Yours truly, Rhetor Trey Nicholas, welcomes you today to guide you in the ways of the rhetoric for the journey that is ENG 2105. (Adequate Development/Body) There will be occasions where the dark side tempts you with feelings of fear and anger, but only if you follow the path of the rhetor as dictated in Dr. Gill-Mayberry’s rubric, will you succeed. (Coherence/Conclusion) Clearly, much like the process of becoming a Jedi in Star Wars, Dr. Gill-Mayberry will test each developing rhetor’s tenacity, patience, and critical thinking to earn the merited title: Rhetor.
(Unity/Topic Sentence) First, Dr. Gill-Mayberry will test your tenacity. (Adequate Development/Body) Some may feel overwhelmed initially with the assigned readings and writings, but if you manage to persevere and follow the dictated rubric, your chances of passing the class will have great potential. Additionally, Dr. Gill-Mayberry values tenacious students and verbally commends them, but you must work hard to earn such respect. Furthermore, It is vital you remain tenacious throughout the course as you will learn valuable skills—including linguistic facility and formal argumentative structures—that will help you succeed in ENG 2105 and beyond. (Coherence/Conclusion) Ultimately, do not fall to the dark side and give in to self-doubt; the strength is within us all to persevere through even the most arduous assignments.
(Unity/Topic Sentence) Second, Dr. Gill-Mayberry will test your patience. (Adequate Development/Body) As stated by the class mantra, “the best writing is rewriting,” therefore after completing a draft for an assignment, that will not be your final submission. You are required to visit and revisit Dr. Gill-Mayberry’s peer mentors and the Writing Center tutors to claim you possess a “best rewrite.” Becoming a master rhetor takes practice, time, and failure. However, by constantly revising your carefully written artifacts and patiently working towards a final draft, you will notice positive development in your writing skills which will be reflected in your grade. Lacking patience is a fall to the dark side as you will grow apathy for your assignments. (Coherence/Conclusion) However, remaining patient will intrinsically motivate you in succeeding and assist you to develop a competently written artifact.
(Unity/Topic Sentence) Finally, Dr. Gill-Mayberry will test your critical thinking: The main characteristic of ENG 2105’s foundation. (Adequate Development/Body) Ranging from every claim you make to every word you choose in expressing your linguistic facility, Dr. Gill-Mayberry expects each of her students to develop high critical thinking skills to become a master rhetor. Lacking critical thinking is a fall to the dark side; such clouded judgement invokes unneeded fear, anger, and hatred for assignments. (Coherence/Conclusion) However, actively participating, doing your research, and following the dictated rubric will grant you the greatest means of developing critical thinking skills Dr. Gill-Mayberry desires for her students to pass the class.
Once again, yours truly welcomes you to the journey that is ENG 2105. Good luck, and may the force be with you.